
The short monologue designed by Anne Välinoro tells about the different homes in life and the memories they leave in the lives of two ninety-something women. One of them is a refugee who had to leave her home in Karelia at the age of 8 because of the war. The other’s life’s anchors can be found in Savo as a maid and sometimes abroad.

The puppets in the show were painted by puppet artist Erja Mikkola from Tampere. Joonatan Huuk’s soundscape plays in the background, with melodic and ambient memories from different decades. This solo performance has received excellent reception and there have been 70 gigs. The characters include e.g. land carpenter and land surveyor.


Script, direction, set puppet design

Anne Välinoro


Erja Mikkola

Sound design

Joonatan Huuki

Poster brochure

Jaana Teräväinen


Anne Välinoro, Susanna Lyly